all the things 09.05.2020


The longer we’re in self-isolation the longer the days seem but the quicker the time goes. It feels like I’m in some kind of time warp. To add to the warped-ness, Winter is approaching here in Australia and the sun is setting around 5:30pm. Which means it’s dark outside, but I still have 7 hours of awake time left.

Thankfully it’s looking like things are getting better here and soon we’ll be able to do things again. Sadly this is not the case in some other places. I read in Vanessa Friedman’s weekly newsletter that The New York Times has told their staff that they will likely be working from home until September. Yikes.

elon musk quote

Today’s things…

  • Listen to Elon Musk's 2nd interview with Joe Rogan and learn more about how we’re already cyborgs, how we’re 10 years away from people being able to have Neuralink brain transplants and more, including Musk explaining his new babies name, but not actually saying the name.

  • Tips on food styling and how to improve your photo’s for your next insta post.

  • Fun new bag by Maison Margiela that is made out of towelling and inspired by Japanese Origami.

  • More on that saucy book by Andre Leon Talley. I find this write up funny, because the site ‘Air Mail’ was founded by Graydon Carter, who used to be a colleague of Anna Wintour and the writer is Alexandra Shulman who was Anna WIntour’s peer, as she used to be the Editor in Chief of British Vogue. She doesn’t really add any more sauciness to the story but she does give nice background detail about AW and ALT’s relationship and fashion scene presence.

  • Checkout this gorgeous collection of sketches by various designers of their ‘room with a view’. My fave one is Michael Halpern’s, the colours are sublime!

receipt art

The first drawing in my receipt art series.

This will be a series of illustrations drawn onto an actual receipt. The total on the receipt indicates the cost of the drawing. This one is $24.00 plus postage, and is now *SOLD*.

Until next time!