JULIET TRIED | Custard Apple

For quite some time now I’ve been spotting custard apples in the produce aisles, and had no idea what they were. They are funny looking, lumpy and leathery, greeny-brown things.

When i spotted them at the Queen Vic Markets this weekend I decided it was time. It cost $1.67 for one Custard Apple and one Guava. I also hadn’t tried a fresh Guava before.

Having no idea how to eat one, I of course looked it up. Someone said to hold it and use your hands to break it apart. The flesh breaks away into little bits, so you can pull them off one by one, or you can bite into it. Each one of these fleshy bits has a brown seed in it that you don’t eat. You also don’t eat the skin.

The one I had was very ripe, and surprise, surprise it tasted exactly like it’s name. Like a custardy apple. Juicy, creamy, custardy, sightly vanilla in flavour. Delicious. Pretty much dessert.

The guava was fun to try too. It was probably not quite ripe, so will need to try another one soon.