Illustration: What's the Point by Mouni Feddag

mouni feddag_illustration what's the point_the juliet report

Illustration: What's the Point?
A book of illustrated illustrations that illustrate illustration
By Mouni Feddag
96 pp. Hachette / Ilex. $19.99

I was searching through the bookshelves in Dymocks Melbourne as I usually do and came across this new book. Illustration: What's the Point? by Mouni Feddag. 

It caught my eye for a number of reasons, the main one being the topic of illustration. Illustration has been a big part of my life for many years now, and is something I do every single day. In fact, as you may know, it's the main way that I communicate with everyone over on my instagram account. And so I'm always looking for new techniques and new ways to use it to tell stories. 

Also in the last five or so years I have noticed the rise of illustration in print, advertising, branding etc and am curious to learn more about it and better understand it.

Mouni Feddag doesn't have much of an instagram presence, but one google search led me straight to her rich website full of her gorgeous illustrations. Mouni's illustrations are colourful, charming and quite witty. What I love the most about her drawings is the postures/ poses/ personalites of the characters within the scenes. 

Her new book is not only inspiring but full of thoughts and ideas that delight and challenge you at the same time. It will answer some questions like: what the point of illustration is, what the point of pictures is, what the point of decoration is and much more.