People and Their Clothes - WFH/Self-Iso

From Left to Right: Cass, Sharon (the Cat), Dannelle, Lizzie, Minnie, Sarah, Gus & Emily

From Left to Right: Cass, Sharon (the Cat), Dannelle, Lizzie, Minnie, Sarah, Gus & Emily

Working From Home / Self-Isolation Edition of People and Their Clothes
Friday 27th March 2020

OMG this is so fun. I can’t express how much joy it brings me to see these come together. This version of the project is even more fun than the usual one because these are people I know either in IRL or from the internet (which now is also IRL).

I love this one a lot. I love that we have a cat, I love that Danelle is on her laptop, I love that Sarah is with her kids, and i love that we’re seeing trackies in different ways.

I saw the hasthag #goingnowherebutfuckitimgettingdressed on the Man Repeller website and it really inspired me. Yes, dress for comfort, wear the same leggings five days in a row, but every now and then say fuck it I’m getting dressed and just dress up.



  1. Cass from Melbourne
    ”Since being made part-time I’m spending my free days chasing the cat (Sharon) around, eavesdropping on Danelle (housemates) ‘teams’ chats and taking big risks like wearing my indoor slippers outdoors. I wish I could say these track pants have never left the house but I wouldn’t lie to you. .”

  2. Danelle from Melbourne
    ”Since WFH, I’ve decided Monday, Wednesday & Friday are my ‘put on a nice top’ and ‘do your face & hair’ days, 1. to make sure I still fit things, 2. remember I can still look ‘ok’ if put in a bit of effort, 3. to keep my spirit alive. Today’s look I call ‘party on top, but keep those feet warm on the bottom’ it’s Friday, and wanted to bring some cheer to my daily WIPs with my teams..”

  3. Lizzie from Melbourne
    ”“I just threw on something comfy to go downstairs and make porridge! The jumper is from my partner - he gave it to me on our first date, now three years ago! Because we live in separate states (he lives in NSW), it’s my favourite comfy jumper to wear around the house - it’s paired with grey sweatpants because y’know - colour coordination 🤷‍♀️😂”

  4. Minnie, Sarah & Gus from Melbourne
    ”I’m channelling the crazy art teacher vibe with unwashed hair while I homeschool. Minnie will only wear dresses or skirts (non matching socks is her new thing). And socks and stocks are an everyday essential.”

  5. Emily from Sydney
    “The tracksuit of my g’damn dreams.”